Enjoy the Journey, Sis

I needed clarity. So, I decided to go on a long walk this morning at the University of North Florida’s walking trail. Have you been there?  Well, I’ve been there many times before, and afterwards I’ve always had this sense of feeling like I can do anything I wanted to set my mind to. This morning proved to be no different. However, I decided to deviate from my usual trail of walking ¾  mile around Lake Oneida, and up the ante to 2x around. “That’s it, I’m feeling great,” I thought to myself. But then, I decided that I wanted to push myself a little harder and perhaps go on a longer, unknown path.  You know deeper within the walking trail, and truthfully felt like I was going away from civilization.

Why would I choose to do that?

I’m unsure, but something within me decided that she did not want to play it safe. Instead, she wanted to venture into the unknown trail, and experience something new. Now, before I decided it was a go,  I had to give myself the biggest pep talk. The fact was that if I decided to commit to taking the longer and unknown path, there was no turning back. It wasn’t like I could just decide that I was finished, get in the car, and head home. Nope. It meant that I had to actually go through with it.

When I took the left from my shorter well known trail into the new trail, it felt as if I had stepped into a labyrinth of some sort. Even though the path was visible by the footsteps of others, there was this overwhelming sense that I was alone in an immense space. The quietness and stillness of the trail made my senses hyper focused, and, the truth was that it was plain ass scary! Most times, my thoughts were filled with optimism and that I could do this. Looking up at the grandiosity of the trees and the wildlife in their habitat, feeling the cool air brush against my face, and having time alone to digest my thoughts was pure serenity. But Sis, Other times, it was filled with fears and thoughts of what I’d do when El Chupacabra came out from behind the shrubs. Like for real, it was insane.

For many of us, when we decide that we are going to go on a journey to become a business owner, make a career change, start a family, buy a home, leave a toxic relationship or job, or write a book, it could mean that we’ll have to take a different path, and navigate through some unknown terrain.

When we actually commit to saying that we are going to go for it, the initial step may be a difficult one to take, because it’s different from the path that we’re used to. And, once we are working towards that goal, we may try to turn back because things become uncertain and the terrain changes to become rocky or muddy. Heck we may even run across a snake on our path. But for those who decide to continue we’ll keep trucking so deep into the journey that we’d be crazy to turn back now. Instead,  we may have those thoughts of ‘when will I see the finish of everything that I’ve worked so hard for,’ or, ‘ When can I eat the fruits of my labor?’

So let me ask you this… Where exactly are you in your journey for accomplishing that thing you’ve been called to do? Are you deciding that you’ll take a new path? Have you taken the step on that new path but now you’re scared out of your mind? Are you so deep in your journey that you cannot turn back now, but  you are filled with doubt & insecurities? Or, are you almost to the finish, but you are unmotivated to complete your journey due to procrastination or self-sabotage? Do you trust that you’ll get to where you’re going?

My thing is that if you’re unable to see where you’re going and it all seems overwhelming, then try seeking advice and support from someone who has been there before. Someone like your tour guide who has actually walked the same path you are wanting to take. I will tell you that the best investments that I’ve made for myself and my business are those which include  mentors, coaches, and consultants. And, if you’re interested in coaching or consulting work with me then please feel free to book a 15 minute consultation call.

Be sure to follow the MommyTu community on Instagram and Facebook!

Nurse TJ


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