Building Connections: Where to Make New Mommy Friends When Your Little One is Little

You crave connection, and you spot another mom at the playground on a beautiful Saturday morning. As you think of approaching her, your palms start to sweat, & your heart starts to race like you stole something from the church. The thought of you possibly meeting your new mommy BF at the park is all overwhelming. What if they aren’t nice and yell “go away”, or don’t accept you saying ‘hey’ and completely ignore you. Even worse, what if your parenting styles are so different, and you find out that they let their kids stay up way too late and lack night time routines… Ahhhhh!

A nightmare, right?

Well.. becoming a new mom is an exciting journey filled with love and joy. However, the transition can also be a bit overwhelming, and having a support system of other moms who understand the highs and lows can make all the difference. If you're wondering where to make new mommy friends when your little one is still little, we've got you covered! Here are some wonderful places to build lasting connections and find your tribe.

1. Mommy and Me Classes:

Enrolling in mommy and me classes is a fantastic way to connect with fellow moms who have children of similar ages. Look for classes such as baby music, yoga, swimming, or even art. Not only will your child benefit from these activities, but you'll also get the chance to share experiences and build relationships with other moms.

2. Parenting Support Groups:

Joining a parenting support group can provide a safe space for sharing experiences and seeking guidance. These groups often meet regularly and provide opportunities to connect both online and offline. Seek out local parent meetups or check for virtual parenting communities to bond with others who are going through similar stages of motherhood.

3. Playground Adventures:

Visiting local playgrounds is not just a way for your little one to have a great time, but it's also an opportunity for you to socialize with other moms. Strike up conversations, bond over shared experiences, and perhaps plan playdates or outings. You'll be surprised how many friendships can blossom from a simple trip to the park.

4. Online Communities:

In today's digital world, online communities offer an excellent platform to connect with other moms. Websites, forums, and social media platforms often have dedicated groups where moms can interact, share stories, ask questions, and seek support. Be a part of these communities, contribute, and engage with others to build connections that span distances.

5. Supportive Classes and Workshops:

Check out classes and workshops tailored specifically for new moms, such as breastfeeding support groups, infant care classes, or baby massage sessions. These intimate settings not only give you the opportunity to learn valuable skills but also connect with other moms who are in similar stages of motherhood.


Aren’t you glad you pushed past your fears, and said “hey”? As a new mom, finding your tribe is crucial for emotional support, shared experiences, and building lasting friendships. From mommy and me classes and parenting support groups to connecting online and exploring local playgrounds, there are numerous ways to meet other moms. Remember, you're not alone on this beautiful journey of motherhood; there are others seeking connection and friendship just like you. So seize the opportunity, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace the wonderful world of mom friendships. Your little one will have playmates, and you'll have a support system like no other!

Come and meet some new mommy friends at our Postpartum Planning & Recovery Pop-Up Workshop, where you will be able to connect with other moms and those soon to be on an intimate level. You may just find you new Mommy BF right in the building. Spots are limited, so book today!


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