Navigating Unsolicited Parenting Advice During the Holidays: A Millennial Perspective

Being a parent during the holiday season can be overwhelming, especially when accompanied by unsolicited advice. You know, the “you should do this,” or “why not let them miss their nap, being around family is important,” or even “it’s the holidays, let them eat whatever they want” type of vibes. As a millennial parent, you may find yourself dealing with these unwanted opinions, and then you may feel irritation set in.

You're aware that people have good intentions and want to help, but sometimes it can feel like everyone is an expert on YOUR child. The constant stream of instructions and recommendations can leave you frustrated and questioning your own parenting abilities. After all, you know your child better than anyone else. Here are some things to consider:

You Are the Expert on Your Child:

As a millennial parent, you understand the importance of trusting your instincts. You have done your research, sought advice when necessary, and developed your own parenting style. While it's great to gather insights from others, it's crucial to remember that you are the one who spends the most time with your child and knows them best.

Responding With Grace:

Dealing with unsolicited advice during the holidays requires tact and patience. Instead of becoming defensive or shutting down the conversation, try responding with grace. Acknowledge the advice given but firmly express that you have a different approach based on your child's specific needs. If necessary, politely change the subject to redirect the conversation.

Setting Boundaries:

Don't be afraid to set boundaries when it comes to parenting advice. Make it clear that while you appreciate their concern, you ultimately have the final say in the decisions made for your child. Explain that you value their input, but you also need the freedom to make choices that align with your parenting philosophy.


As a millennial parent, receiving unsolicited parenting advice during the holiday season can be frustrating. Remember that you are the expert on your child and that it's essential to trust your instincts. Responding with grace and setting boundaries can help navigate these situations more effectively. Ultimately, prioritize what is best for your child and create a joyous and memorable holiday season for your family.

Once you’ve gotten through the treacherous holidays, we invite you to join us downtown at the Lark January 25th, 2024 for our Postpartum Planning and Recovery Workshop. There will be a panel of mama experts dedicated to helping you navigate the struggles of motherhood. Consider joining us by purchasing your ticket, spots are limited.


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